Monday 2 November 2009

Modern adaptations 200 word testament of 3 fairytales

Adaptation testaments

Little red Riding hood - adaptation

Little Red Riding Hood is a story which shows the dangers that occur when a young child loses their way. In the traditional telling Little Red was warned not to stray from the beaten path and go straight to Grandma’s house, but little red doesn’t listen and then she meets a wolf and leads it to grandma’s house where the wolf eats her grandmother and then eats little red riding hood but they are saved by Little Red’s father. I would adapt this to suit modern day problems regarding the safety of children, my idea is to have a girl be missing at the start of the story and have a film made about her parents search for her. The protagonist would be her father/mother on their quest to find her the antagonist would be a man called Peter Stump (who was tried and hung for “werewolfism” and satanic worship and also the murder of 14 children including his own son) I thought this would be interesting to do because it shows a different angle to the story and a more believable plot than having the antagonist be an animal I got inspiration for this idea from the Madeleine McCann Stories.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a story about three brother goats who are stuck on one side of a bridge where the grass is dead and dream of getting to the other side but a Troll under a bridge is stopping them. I thought this would be a good idea to do because it shows some problems that occur in today’s society and the problem of being stuck on one side reminded me of segregation and racism and the brothers dreaming of going over to the better side reminded me of poverty and wanting wealth, I couldn’t think of a good antagonist for this idea so maybe the thing stopping them from achieving their goals could be their own inhibitions for example the oldest goat would be too stuck in his ways to move and the middle goat could be too afraid of rejection from the other side but the youngest goat was carefree and wanted to make a change and makes it over the other side and becomes free. I think that this would be good for a film because it shows a good conflict of character from each of the protagonists and also relates to modern society.

The ugly duckling

The ugly duckling is a folk story about growth, coming of age, insecurity and not fitting in which are the basic things that every teenager goes through, the story is about a young swan that was born amongst ducks and thought it was ugly and didn’t fit in and then runs away and stays in various different places but still doesn’t feel like it belongs until after a year it finds a flock of swans and realises what they are and joins them. To modernize this story I would make it about a teenager that doesn’t fit in and leaves to find themselves or runs away and after a while becomes comfortable with themselves, I got my inspiration for this idea from the book “The Catcher In The Rye” by J.D Salinger where the main character Holden goes through four days of his life after his expulsion from his school and finally ending in a mental breakdown and also Holden’s way of always correcting himself and questioning his surroundings and also contradicting himself shows his naivety about himself and the world, this is the kind of protagonist I want in my film if I were to do the ugly duckling.