Wednesday 14 October 2009

Evaluation of short task

My Objective: To Become More Skilled With A Camera

What Went well?

What went well during this task was the group dynamic between Me, Halle and Thelma,
I thought that as a group we could discuss our ideas and put them forward without having anyones thoughts being over looked because we are all quite motivated we all had a say in what we did. For example when i was setting up the Camera and the tripod they were still involving me in the storyboarding and asking me what i thought, which i thought was important because if they had carried on without letting me know i wouldnt really know how to achieve the shots with the camera until it had to be shot.

what you need to improve?

as a group we need to become more broad minded for example we chose locations for our short task that werent far away but also so did the rest of the class so we had three groups trying to film different scenes at the same time in the same place. A way we could have improved was to as soon as we saw there were another 2 groups trying to film we should have changed location but at the time we thought that changing location would take us more time than waiting which isn't true because we spent over half of our shooting time waiting for the other groups or having to retake our shots because the other groups were in the frame and so on. so i would improve by choosing a better location in future.

Personal Objectives?

My Personal objectives were to become more skilled with the camera and also to have more experience working in a group dynamic because i think these are valuable skills that i will need to do well in media, i think i have become more experienced with the camera because it became kind of a second nature to pan and to move also to put up the tripod came quite easy to me and working as a team went well because we all had a chance to feedback on each other's ideas.

What would you do differently?

If i had to do this task again i would change the location and also i would have not panicked so much because when time started to pass i started to get frustrated by how behind we were but i never let my team mates know because then they might panic and then no work would have been done.

Key Skill's used?

Key skill's i used was the skills i have learnt about using the camera and also listening and communication skills with my group which is important so we all know what we are doing.


Barking Abbey Media Department said...

A well structured evaluation Matt, well done. Keep using point, example, explain in order to give a concise answers. Make sure you proof read your work before posting it onto your blog, check your spelling and punctuation.