Wednesday 16 December 2009


Phantom Films:

Scene 1) Int: Toy Makers Workshop

A scratched desk cluttered with photos of young girls, cotton and needles. A single lamp is the only light seen.

In the background a slow eerie “lullaby” can be heard
Toy Maker
(Scratches hands across table slowly, his hands are dirty and cracked)
A sewing needle and cotton are directly in front of the toy maker
(the toy maker pulls the needle through his fingers and twiddles it around he puts the needle down and reaches out and grabs the cotton unrolls it and slowly licks the end of the string and puts the it through the eye of the needle, when the needle is threaded he grabs a button and & the doll and starts to sew the button as an eye)
The Finished Doll Sits upright on the desk
The Toy maker grabs a sheet of paper and a butchers pencil; slowly he starts to write “Where am I?”
He attaches the note to the doll and starts to play with the doll’s hair.
(The toy maker starts scratching/colouring over the eyes/mouth of a picture of a girl)

Scene 2) Ext: Amy’s House an ordinary house in the middle of the street, the street is littered with rubbish and leaves are blowing.
The Toymaker places the finished doll on the doorstep
The doll is holding the tag with the words “where am I?” placed on its coat.